Fluidigm data prep tool
(optional) sample names file:
data file:


Fluidigm data prep tool will parse standard the standard BioMark (Fluidigm) file into format, suitable for copy-pasting the data to the qPCRcalculator. Optionally, it will also convert between different sample and namings (long and short names) and taking dilutions into account).

The optional sample names file (tab or comma delimited .csv; example here) has the following columns:

The data file (.csv) can be used as exported from the machine software.

For the output file (.csv), the SampleIDs will be added to the AnalyteIDs. Moreover, the relative quantities for each analyte (RelQuant) will be calculated from the Dilution (RelQuant = 10000/Dilution). Cq values for all the analyzed assays will be listed in the following columns. All failed or out of range reaction (values 2.5 or 999) will be marked as “Failed” so no calculation will be performed with these values.